Master Metadata API

The master Metadata API allows you to browse and retrieve Instances of an account associated with a Personal Access Token. It is especially useful for displaying an account's different Instances in a UI.

The master Metadata API Swagger documentation can be accessed by the following URL:


GET /instance/{name} - Get Single Instance

The GET request will provide details of a specific instance when provided the instance name

GET /instance - Browse Instances

The GET request will provide a list of Instances associated with an account.

  • The response provides both the Xano domain and the custom domain (if applicable).

  • The meta_api value will provide access to the Metadata API for the given Instance.

  • The JSON of the Metadata API Swagger for the Instance is also provided.

Snippet / Token

These endpoints provide functionality for managing private snippet access tokens.

For reference, the canonical ID of your snippet is found at the end of the URL.

In this example URL, abC123Zx is our canonical.

POST /snippet/{canonical}/token/{token]

Use this endpoint to update a token's allowed number of installations.

DELETE /snippet/{canonical}/token/{token}

Use this endpoint to delete an access token from a snippet.

GET /snippet/{canonical}/token

Use this endpoint to get a list of tokens for a snippet.

POST /snippet/{canonical}/token

Use this endpoint to create a new token for a snippet.


GET /snippet/{canonical}

Retrieve a specific snippet by its canonical ID

POST /snippet/{canonical}

Update settings on the snippet, such as the access method and access description.

GET /snippet

List all snippets owned by the authenticated user.

Last updated