Adding Database Content

Xano makes adding content to the database very simple with the friendly spreadsheet interface. 1. To get started click on "+ New".

Hint: Click the two arrows to open a card view when adding or editing a record.

2. You'll notice the different characteristics of the different Field Types. Some special cases include: A date picker for the timestamp. A checkbox for a boolean. There are other special cases for Storage and Geography values.

3. Let's continue populating the first record.

4. The "Tags" column is special, it is an object with an array of content. Let's click into the cell.

5. Click on add to it and we can create the structure of the object. This is the same workflow as adding database columns. For this example, we can add a name(text) and a rank(integer).

6. So now our first record looks like this:

7. Adding more records is just as easy as adding the first one.

Copying and Pasting

Xano offers the ability to copy and paste single or multiple cells of data, similar to a standard spreadsheet.

You can click and drag or hold shift to select multiple cells, and use your appropriate system key combinations to copy and paste multiple cells at once.

You can also copy cells from external spreadsheets to easily paste directly into your Xano database table. Cells that pasted successfully will be highlighted in blue, and cells that were unable to be pasted properly will be highlighted in orange. This can happen if, for example, you are pasting a string into an object field.

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